Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Is It a Holiday Tree or a Christmas Tree for You?

I was a little shocked this past week with the whole hoopla about Christmas Trees being called Holiday Trees. I wonder where I was when it was decided they would be called Holiday Trees, because I don't remember getting the memo. Isn't it ridiculous how our country has gotten to the point of not wanting to hurt anyone else that we are forgoing those things that we love so much. I grew up with a Christmas Tree and no matter what mandate, etiquette there is, it WILL always be a Christmas Tree to me.

I mean come on! This namby pamby junk is what is going to help America become someplace not America. I mean we're all so worried about offending folks that we are stepping backwards upon our own rights. It's all great and wonderful to want to welcome people, embrace their cultures but let's not forget ours. For example: Our religions can be discussed in school except Christianity. Is this right? NO! If it is for equal opportunities for religion then let it be ALL religions discussed. Not ALL RELIGIONS BESIDES CHRISTIANITY. Come on, you want to be PC America, lets see you PC this. The thing is, if you were born here and you were brought up believing in Christianity well it's just not right. You are wrong and everything you were ever taught is wrong.
It's just plain wrong for us to tread lightly around everyone else while they trod right through our traditions and beliefs. I say it's time we take back what our rights. Be Aggressive! There is a time to be pushed over and then there is a time to fight for what we believe in! If we don't act soon that time to fight will be over and we will be following someone else's belief's.
Isn't this why our ancestors came to America. To found a country in which we were able to be free to worship and believe as we want to. Now, we're inviting other folks into the country and begging them to destroy all it was based upon.
So I guess this Christmas. I will be sitting by my Christmas Tree with my family enjoying our traditions and thanking God for another Christmas with my family.


Esther said...

Yeah, I never was able to understand how it's ok to talk about every other religion except Christianity. If I told a Jewish person that I didn't want to talk about Judaism I would be called intolerant. However, if a Jewish person said they didn't want to talk about Christianity with me, I would be forced to comply.

I guess I'm never going to go into politics because I'm rather anti-P.C.

I wrote a poem about the whole deal and I might post it within a week, so you are welcome to visit my blog.

Good day to you and farewell.

Savannah Jordan said...

PC sux. Plain and simple. It reminds me of Demolition Man where Wesley Snipes' character says the world has become a "p*ssy whipped, Brady Bunch version of it's former self."

We can't call them Christmas Trees? Well I flatly refuse to call them Holiday Trees. *snort* And, while on the subject, our local schools no longer have Halloween parties, etc, because that's not PC. Next it will be Easter. Okay, here's an idea, maybe we should drop all the Prediential holidays, Martin Luther King day, etc. Lord knows, someone out there has to be offended by them...

Funny thing though, no one complains when a CHRISTIAN holiday gives everyone a day off from work...

I could go on and on, but I won't.

Great post, MoonCat!

MoonCat said...

That's the truth! A local radio show was pointing out how the other holidays don't have one thing on them.. Federal Holiday. It's amazing how far this country has fallen when you take God out of schools and government. The whole thing about seperation of church and state was mentioned in a letter to a church from Thomas Jefferson and he was saying not to worry that the government would interfer in religion. Things get so twisted! And another thing about people NOT complaining about Christmas.. I don't see them complaining about getting gifts on a Christian holiday. Selective griping, ain't it a trip?