Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Time for the Christmas Home Stretch

It's amazing how fast this year has flown by! I can't believe Christmas is a mere 3 days away. Of course this means if you haven't finished your shopping you need to kick it in gear. (I just don't understand those folks who wait til the last minute. I've done it and it's a nightmare!)

To my friends, family and blog visitors I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! May you Santa give you all you want for Christmas! And be safe this Holiday Season.

Now I want to take the time to enter a quick message to the troops.

To those who serve our Country,
Thank you for the freedom that gives me the opportunity to go and shop for presents for my loved ones, for the time I can spend with my friends, family and those who I have to spend it with (some somewhat unwillingly). I'm even thankful for the things I have to do that I don't want to do, aka work. Thank you for all that you have sacrificed and all you have done for us. For without you protecting our rights we would not be able to enjoy any of these things. Thanks to the families of these soldiers for understanding their need to serve our country. I know it's especially hard during this time of year, but know that your sacrifice is appreciated just as much.

Thank you and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Savannah Jordan said...

Happy Christmas to you, too Mooncat! I hope your holiday is warm and wonderful and filled with the love of family and friends.

I, too, think of the troops away from home at Christmas. There's a song on the radio called The Soldier's Silent Night, it's the poem from Santa's POV where he find the US soldier... I bawl everytime.

MoonCat said...

I hope you had a great Christmas too Savannah. I've heard that song. That and the New Shoes song gets me all weepy.I don't know if you know the New Shoes song, it's where this kid wants to buy some new shoes for his mom because she is sick and he thinks she will like them. And if she can wear them when she meets Jesus. Sniff... Sniff...

Savannah Jordan said...

Oh, yeah, I know the Christmas Shoes song. They played it to DEATH this season. It got rather annoying. But, my hubby calls me jaded, hard-hearted, etc, cuz stuff like that just doesn't affect me. But, then, I cry at parades, and cartoon movies and I sleep with a teddy bear. I feel like such a sap!

MoonCat said...

My husband says I'm a Grinch because I can't stand to hear the regular Christmas songs. But when you start hearing them from before Thanksgiving, it's hard to begin loathing them. I hate the hassle, I hate the rush and that is all Christmas is these days. So he calls me Mrs. Grinch. And sad to say it makes me smile when I hear the song for the Grinch and I start to sing along replacing Mr. Grinch with Mrs. Grinch.
I like the holidays, but it's oh so commercialness is annoying.

Savannah Jordan said...

I totally agree! And, I LOVE the Grinch. That song RULES I have a stuffed Grinch sitting on my sofa right now. :)

MoonCat said...

I came thisclose to buying a singing Grinch from Walmart last night. It's half price too, but I spent so much this year and I really couldn't see buying him to take his batteries out and put him straight into the attic already. I can't believe the holidays are almost over.