Sunday, October 09, 2005

Christmas Already?????

While out and about this weekend I realized how ironic somethings can be. Halloween stuff already on sale, and what I mean by that is it's already being marked down. Thanksgiving/Harvesty stuff was out before the Halloween stuff and it's marked lower then the Halloween stuff. Doesn't that stuff still need to be out until around November 20th atleast BEFORE Thanksgiving. I mean, it's already on clearance. Halloween stuff will be gone as of October 31, but it's only 25% off. And to top it all off Christmas is already on sale. There are sales shows on QVC (of course they had one on in July and September), Cracker Barrell, Walmart and most other's have the majority of their stuff out for sale. I don't understand how the salespeople think it's cool to rush us even more than we already are. We speed through each holiday keying up for the next and you don't even enjoy the one your celebrating at the time being. Halloween is bearly over and we're thinking what are we doing for Thanksgiving. Who is coming over, what are having to eat, etc. Then in the midst of enjoying Thanksgiving; dum dum dummmmm Christmas is lurking. And during all this worry about Christmas is the buying of the Christmas presents. How many days before Christmas??? Don't ask me, I'm just trying to enjoy Halloween coming up. Booyah Halloween!


Unknown said...

I know what you mean. The only stores I think that should be allowed to put out Christmas stuff early is the hobby stores, because frankly, everyone needs time to make the darn stuff!

MoonCat said...

Exactly!!! Last night went to Michael's and Halloween is no 40%, Harvest stuff cheaper.. and on the shelves.. Christmas. You know.. It's no wonder I get so fed up hearing Silver Bells and other Christmas songs by the time Christmas rolls around.