Saturday, October 01, 2005

Oh Sweet Serenity

I just saw Serenity tonight. The new movie written by mastermind Joss Whedon. The creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly still lives up to my expectations after many years of watching his brain children. Whenever you see an episode that is written and directed by Joss Whedon bring tissue and prepare to hold onto your seats. Tonight, he came through with spades. I laughed, I cried, I held my breath and held onto my seat. Truly a great movie! Not only was I happy with this movie, other people clapped, they clapped during some scenes of the movie and at the end of the movie. I can't remember the last movie I saw where people actually clapped after it was over. I've seen some where they shouted out in disbelief they actually paid to see it and relief that it was finally over and they could leave. The phrase screamed out at one of those movies was "What a stoopid movie!!" The movie was so awful I can't remember the name. All I remember is it was the last movie Christian Slater was in. Sorry man, but it tanked for me.
But back to the joy that is Serenity. I can't wait for this movie to come out on DVD. Sad thing is it just came out at the theatre. And for those critics that didn't like it.. I just want to say; Could it possibly be you just don't know how to enjoy a movie unless it's big budget, big stars, or stiff melodrama? Lighten up, step out of the boundaries you have set for what is a "good movie" and give the other movies a chance. Of course, if you don't... who cares! You're just overpaid, opinionated morons who wouldn't know a good movie if it hit you in the face and I'll still go see it just for me. For example: Star Wars, Pretty Woman, and Phantom of the Opera.
For anyone who would enjoy Serenity. Go see the movie and let me know what you think. And for some of my friends out there.. I give this an 8 for salty goodness where the men in it were concerned. In closing... "I am the leaf in the wind."

Serenity 9.5 out of 10
Men of Serenity 8 out of 10 (Mal and Simon... whoa mama)


Unknown said...

I agree, Serenity rocked. Did you not just bawl when River said "it's time for me to take care of you Simon." ? I just bawled. Well, that and the fact that you weren't sure of her fate.

And WASH...... I bawled.

Book...... I bawled then too.

I have a cold, and I really need some nyquil, so for now I'm outta here, but I had to say my peace.

MoonCat said...

I sure did. I had stuck some napkins in my purse and sat there mopping underneath my eyes... covertly done.. chick crying at a sci fi movie.. But definitely when Wash died. I knew it was coming. Typical Joss Whedonness. And Book. As for River, I wasn't a hundred percent sure she would make it but I had this awesome image of her standing there holding the weapons surrounded by bodies. Joss read my mind. And I realized something. He always goes for the strong women. GOD I LOVE JOSS WHEDON!!! He's done so much for women. Glad he's handling the new Wonder Woman flick.