Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Combination Oh No She Just Didn't & Musings..

Okay, let's start this off with an easy one. GASOLINE. I have got to ask what the heck is going on with the gas prices. Yes, there is a war going on. Yes, there was a massively destructive hurricane. But let's face it folks, if we were selfsuficient and produced our own oil then we wouldn't be at the mercy of ticked off Middle Easterners. They are charging more for oil because they don't like us being over there. If that's the case why do so many foreigners come over here to the promise land? Why have I had so many pen pals from over seas who love the US and can't wait to visit? Let me tell you why (and remember these are my opinions) I think that the people in control of those areas stay in control because they loath change. They don't want us influencing the people they lead and cracking the foundation of which they have built their monopoly. Well, I'm sorry, it will happen at some time or another. The USA may be one of the youngest nations around, but I think that even with all our issues we're a great nation. Sigh... Now, back to the topic at hand. Do you know other nations are paying way less than us for their gas. Why? Because they are self sufficient. We need to have more refineries and go to biodeisel fuel. I myself think that biodeisel fuel is the best option. Biodeisel would also help the farmers, the environment and the economy. Let me break this down for you. The farmers get paid to NOT grow anything. If they grew the soy beans to make the fuel then they would profit more. The government would save by not having to pay them. The fuel would be cheaper and we would have more money to spend. The end result is that we would boost our economy by other means then paying for gasoline. This means point blank that we could actually afford to live day to day without the worry of where our next tank of gas will come from. The USA is a great nation, but sometimes even we get caught up in beurecratic chaos. Lamens terms... The pigs in office (I'm referring to all Bureacrats) don't listen to what we have to say or improving our way of living without fighting us for it. They fight by saying to change will cost time and money. Yes, this is true. BUT always look through to the end and see if in the long run we will save more.

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